Each Solo has a total of 21 attributes. See our Rarity Chart for rarity distribution. These are the attributes that currently direct impact encounter results:
Tools: Each Solo is holding one primary tool and one secondary tool. They can use one of these tools (or forego them and just use their hands) in their encounters.
Primary tools: Axe, bow, fishing pole, rope, saw, and shovel
Secondary tool: Canteen, duct tape, flashlight, hatchet, hunting knife, leatherman, net, pocket knife, pot, slingshot, and tarp.
Skills: Each Solo has one skill: carpentry, foraging, trapping, hunting, fishing, first aid, tracking, and marksmanship. Skills give competitors an increased chance of success in activities where those skills are applicable.
Companions: Each Solo may also have one animal companion with them: a bear, hawk, lizard, magpie, scorpion, and wolf. Some days they're lazy and have no impact, but some days they may help you succeed in your encounters!
Last updated